
  • А. V. Oreshchenko



department, development, history, cartography, education, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


There is considered the activity of geodesy and cartography department of geographical faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv from time of its institution to present time. Chronologically 3 main topics exposed: educational and scientific functioning, structural and organization instants and personnel policy of department. To mark the periods in development of the department we took the structure of competences which were to have formed in students during theirs training. There we considered the correspondence level of educational programs to business demands too. It was proposed the structure of the educational program which is focused on perspective economy inquiries (2020-2030’s) and the wording of which is the result of a separate unfinished research. Besides the subdivisions role in educational and scientific achievements we also disclosed the personnel policy and organizational work of the heads of the department. There are separately stated the history of scientific subdivision and pointed out on the causes of its reorganization. In the other hand we discussed the influence of external factors onto educational process, in particular computing machinery appearance, gaining of national independence and change of state economy model, conversion of cartographic production to digital technology, implementation of the Bologna education system. In the final part of the article we recounted the demands for education department functioning in actual conditions of high cost of study, changing of profile specialties and academic competition for the best students with other universities which have the departments with similar specialization.


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