


naked filose amoebae, species complexes, natural biotopes of Ukraine.


We have identified 10 species of naked filose amoebae in different types of water bodies in Ukraine. Original morphological descriptions have been compiled for all species. The most common species are Arachnula impatiens, Penardia mutabilis, Nuclearia delicatula, Biomyxa vagans, Vampyrellidium perforans, Nuclearia flavocapsulata, the least common are Vampyrella lateritia, Lateromyxa gallica, Leptophrys elegans, Leptophrys vorax. Established ecological groups of these protists in relation to the abiotic factors of the aquatic environment: euryoxidic (N. delicatula, N. flavocapsulata, A. impatiens, P. mutabilis, L. elegans, L. vorax, V. lateritia), stenooxidic (V. perforans, B. vagans, L. gallica), stenobionts (A. impatiens, V. perforans, B. vagans, L. gallica) and those that withstand a wide range of permanganate oxidation values (N. delicatula, N. flavocapsulata, P. mutabilis, L. elegans, L. vorax, V. lateritia). The largest number of species of these protists is observed in rivers (8 species) and floodplains (7 species), the smallest – in swamps (3 species); 5 species of filose amoeba were found in the lakes. We encountered P. mutabilis only in rivers, B. vagans in swamps, and V. perforans in floodplains. L. elegans, L. vorax species, which can be considered eurytopic, occurred in all types of reservoirs. The largest share of common species of naked amoebas is observed between rivers and floodplains (0.80), rivers and lakes (0.77), floodplains and lakes (0.67) and lakes and swamps (0.50), the smallest – between floodplains reservoirs and swamps (0.40) and rivers and swamps (0.36). According to the species composition of naked filose amoebae, two species complexes are distinguished: swamp and floodplain, which includes species that mainly occur in rivers and in reservoirs located in river valleys. The species complexes of rivers, floodplains and swamps are influenced to a greater extent by water temperature and the concentration of organic substances dissolved in water, and to a lesser extent by the concentration of oxygen dissolved in water. The species composition of naked filose amoebas of rivers and floodplains is associated with a higher temperature and a higher content of organic substances dissolved in water compared to the species composition of swamp amoebas.


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