


skiing tourism, morphometric characteristics of the skiing track, lengthwise and crosssection profile of track, quality, Ukrainian Carpathians.


The aim of the paper is to evaluate the quality of skiing tracks in the Ukrainian Carpathians. To do this we suppose to define a set of geomorphological characteristics of skiing tracks and determine theirs influence value on the tracks specialization and its suitability for skiing, also assess the touristic potential of the ski resorts of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Methods and approaches of research borrowed from a similar study on the avalanches danger estimation of other ski resorts. We obtained a number of geomorphological characteristics of the tracks and visually estimated the quality of its bed using created lengthwise and cross-section profiles of skiing slopes using a digital relief model. The visual analysis identified the areas for braking, as well as significant inequalities, protracted areas and track parts with inversed inclination which make worse the quality of the skiing and is danger the skiers. So the main research method is the cartographic modeling. We selected 7 ski resorts located in different parts of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The profiles were created using free Geographic Information System QGIS and open geospatial data of radar survey of the Earth's surface (SRTM and ASTER GDEM). We also compared received results with foreign similar studies. Scientific novelty. There are defined the set of geomorphological characteristics of a ski slope in the article. There are the length of the track (or its horizontal projection), the level difference and the derivative characteristic is the steepness of the slope (as well as its maximum and minimum values). This list was supplemented by cross-section profiles description (it may be convex, bent, flat or inclined). Altogether we compared 24 tracks of the Ukrainian Carpathians. There are created lengthwise and cross-section profiles for each of them and all results put into a table presented in the article. Practical results. We made a conclusion that the skiing slopes of the Ukrainian Carpathians have similar geomorphological characteristics in most cases. The average slope of the tracks is 9.5°. The maximum value is 13° and the minimum is about 3°. The length of the tracks varies from 1 to 4 km and the length of majority of them is not excites of 1.8 km. The height difference is from 50 m to 550 m, the average mean is 315 m, which is not quite long. The configurations of the most horizontal profiles are convex or even, which is not optimal for skiing. In addition, the presence of hills makes “blind zones” which limit the visibility of the track and can cause a collision of skiers. Most of skiing track beds has convex cross-section profiles or they are significantly declined, which is also not an advantage. Based on the received metric values we defined the weak and strong sides of the national resorts. The ski slopes haven’t many complexity categories and are interesting for amateur skiers. Therefore the national resorts give way to foreign ones even located in the Carpathians which have a greater variety and more levels of complexity of tracks. This circumstance can be an obstacle to maintenance of tracks and increase requirements for corresponding equipment. So national skiing resorts should focus on pricing policies and territorial accessibility.


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